When the kids came today they got to free play on the car mat. I had a bucket with all sorts of planes, trains, and automobiles. (I forgot to get a picture.) They loved it so after they were done painting their cars, they played on the mat again!
Time to paint! Each kid got to choose 2 vehicles to paint. They could paint it however they wanted and they turned out so colorful! Make sure you put your apron on so that you don't get paint on your shirt.
Some were quicker than others and some were more meticulous than others.
When everyone was finished painting, we read "Alphabeep" by Debora Pearson.http://www.amazon.com/Alphabeep-A-Zipping-Zooming-ABC/dp/0823417220
This is "A Zipping Zooming ABC" book. I love this book and so do the kids. On the inside covers, there is a whole bunch of common street signs. (See photo below)
It was so fun to discuss what each sigh means. Some of the kids knew what the signs meant especially the more common ones. It was fun to hear them say "I have seen that sign before!"
Then we played "Flying High" from here:http://www.2teachingmommies.com/2012/02/transportation-expanded.html I used the airplanes from here: http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/product/productDet.jsp?productItemID=1%2C689%2C949%2C371%2C895%2C986&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395181113&bmUID=1341354999257
For snack we each got 4 "wheels" a.k.a. Ritz crackers.
After snack, we went outside to play "Red Light, Green Light"
On the first round all the kids were airplanes.
Then we were trains.
On the next couple rounds, they each got to choose a different vehicle. Some were buses, some were trucks and some were boats.
Red Light, Green Light!
Then we played the Parking Lot game from here: http://happybrownhouse.com/parking-lot-game/ This was a really fun game and the kids loved it!
This is what the tables looked like when we were all finished painting.
Looks like fun! Right?